Saturday, March 3, 2012

what's wrong with old fashioned paper books?

The below post gives the choices of e-book reader currently available on the market, albeit not in every country. The common feature is that all are quite small, the largest being the Kindle DX, and that is about the size of typical hardback fiction books.  Clearly these have advantages for those who suffer from space problems and they avoid high Post Office charges, but a little reflection makes it easy to realise the disadvantages:

* Longevity of the hardware?
* Permanency of the file?
* Compatibility between platforms?
* Transferability?
* Quality of resolution?
* Size of images?
* Tactile quality?
* Decorative quality?
* Resale ability?

Despite the omnipresence of the electronic revolution, it's hard to see e-books replacing the type of books we produce.

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